The education sector across Pakistan has witnessed a paradigm shift in recent times. The pandemic has taught us about adjusting to changes in new and creative ways. Due to increase in the competitiveness in the marketplace coupled with the increasing need to expend quality education at the grassroots level, policymakers have set the Pakistan education sector on path to reforms. In adopting Single National Curriculum 2020, the primacy of the formative years from ages 3 to 12 in shaping the child’s future has been recognized. The main aspect of the school education in the Single National Curriculum is one system of education for all in term of curriculum, medium of instruction and a common platform of assessment to ensure that all children in Pakistan have equal chances for high-quality education and upward social mobility.

In light of new vision, we take great pride in presenting our e-sample book to you. This e-sample book highlights contents, key features, progression chart and SLOS of all subjects that will convince to read e-book in the ebookabbasi application for complete overview of all books, for the coming academic session. All the books continue to adhere to SNC-2020 and reflect the changing trends in teaching and learning methodologies. 

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